It takes at least two days
Confined water session 
(I) Static 90sec
(ii) Dynamic 25m
(iii) Practice free immersion and a constant weight goal of 10m/30 feet
It takes at least two days
Confined water session
(I) Static 2min30sec
              less than 18yrs old 2min
(ii) Dynamic 50m
               less than 18 years old, 40m
(iii) Free immersion and constant weight goal 20m
                less than 18 years old,15m

Static Apnea (STA)
 Holding your breath whilst lying face down

Static apnea is more about how long you hold your breath than how deep you are. In this type of freediving, you’ll lie face down in the water and hold your breath as long as possible. Your body won’t move as you hold your breath. You’re testing your mental strength, relaxation skills, and your ability to hold your breath.

Dynamic Apnea 
Swimming underwater in the pool with a single breath

Dynamic Apnea is a measure of the horizontal distance a diver swims underwater in a single breath. It can be done with or without a monoofin. Dynamic apnea measures the efficiency of a diver's swimming, their technique, and their ability to hold their breath while in motion.

Free immersion 
Diving in the ocean with a single breath

In Free Immersion, the freediver can use a rope for descent and ascent. However, they must maintain the same weight for the entire dive and cannot use fins to aid them. This technique, which requires immense skill and control, focuses on the small muscles in the upper body area.